J.N Bhasin Predictive Rule | Predictive Astrology
Mercury gives quick results
The life of a human being is constituted of infancy, Childhood, youth, middle age, and old age. The stage of being 'Kumara' is very near the first stage of human life. Thus if Mercury in his Dasa as a lord of any house, produces his results, they would manifest in the first part of the Dasa. Contrary to this, Saturn manifests his results in the last part of his Dasa.
Effect of a planet in the 8th place from his own sign
If a planet is deposited in his own or exaltation sign in a Kendra or any other auspicious house; but is in the 8th from his own sign and be afflicted by a malefic, the relative denoted by that house the lord of which be in the 8th from it, first gets life and loses it soon afterward.
Course: Predictive Astrology Course
Lecture by: Pt. Vivek Dubey
Contact: 9967708354 / 9867383981
20Lecture + 5Live Lecture
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